Ms. Adele CHU
Co-Owner & Director of Talent Engagement Team, Hong Kong Broadband NetworkMs. Adele CHU is a passionate talent developer. She believes growth only comes from expanding knowledge base and trying new things. In her past HR development journey, Ms. CHU always aims to maximize Talent's potential and help them amplify their contributions in furtherance of the organization’s success. Ms. CHU is an all-round HR professional who is able to lead, direct and motivate people with over 15 years Talent Management and Engagement experience gained from local and multinational companies.
Ms. CHU is a WorkPlace Big Five Profile™ practitioner and a certified Behavior Consultant. She holds a bachelor’s degree in System Engineering and Engineering Management from The Chinese University of Hong Kong. She is the HKIHRM Professional Member and HKIHRM Learning & Development Committee member. She is also the Chairlady of HR Transformation Committee of Chief Happiness Officer Association and the Co-chair of CHO Appreciation Awards Committee. Ms. Chu is a proud Co-Owner of HKBN.